Provide mentorship, tutoring, and community service for Children's Services

Children's Services provides both residential and outpatient services for youth and has a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available.

Volunteer activities

The following is a sample of some of the activities volunteers help with:

  • Facilitating group games and activities with young people on or off campus
  • Providing locations and assisting with community service opportunities
  • Assisting with character development
  • Providing mentorship
  • Providing tutoring and educational opportunities
  • Providing vocational experiences and assistance
  • Providing independent living, daily living experiences, and activities 


Children's Services volunteers must meet the following criteria:

  • 18 years of age or older
    • If under age 18, an adult must accompany the volunteer and pass a background screening
  • Able to pass a Level I background screening (depending on the number of hours volunteering)
  • Able to work with boys and girls age 10-17 

Want to volunteer?

Contact Children’s Services at (813) 264-3807, ext. 53289, for more information or to begin the application process.

Last Modified: 1/18/2024, 5:17:02 PM

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